Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Random Acts of Love: Day 13

I HATE FOLDING CLOTHES. But I love my husband. I folded the hugest monster pile of laundry into three neat stacks just to let him know I really do love him more than mere words can express. ♥

My Wish

"I want for you to go into the world happy.
To do good things and make good choices.
To remember to love and be loved.

I cannot make your choices for you.
I can only wish that you make them well
with love, hope and happiness in your heart."


Photo Credit:
Sandi.B Photography
“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched, they must be felt with the heart”
-Helen Keller

Hero Status: The Love Project

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Calling All Angels

People and have teamed up and found All-Stars Among Us. They are showcasing people who have gone above and beyond to serve their communities. Watch when they're honored by PEOPLE Magazine and Major League Baseball® at the 2010 MLB® All- Star Game in Anaheim on July 13 at 8 pm ET/5 pm PT live on FOX.

[Train's "Calling All Angels" is the theme song for this event.]

Random Acts of Love: Day 12

After having a discussion with Bree and Nicole on how I pick my random act for each day and what my act for today was, we decided on including the two of them in my blog. But not because I gave them a ride home like they thought it would be. It's because I get the chance to share with the whole world wide web how special these sisters are ♥

Monday, June 28, 2010

Makes Me Go Woah...

Someone left me a card and letter at my shop today.
Who ever you are...
You are loved too ♥

Random Acts of Love: Day 11

About a month ago I was reunited with a family that helped me through my teenage years with love and acceptance. I missed out on 20 years with them. My newly found "niece" watched Grease religiously when she was 3. At 14, she no longer had her movie but still talked about it almost every time I saw her. She would sing the songs and tell me all about her favorite parts. Tonight we went to WalMart where she saw the DVD and begged her mom to buy it. Her mom didn't get it for her...

But I did ♥

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Random Acts of Love: Day 10

[photo credit: Sandi.B Photography]

I'm not going to lie... This act of love put me completely out of my comfort zone. I am terrified of strangers, public speaking and being vulnerable. I would really rather jump out a perfectly good plane, and I am acrophobic. I was nervous, my heart was pounding so hard I could hear it in my ears and I felt sick to my stomach. But To Write Love On Her Arms means more than I can express. So, with deep breaths and my best friend by my side to document the day, I approached strangers, handed out fliers and shared. ♥
“Laughter is the closest distance between two people.”
-Victor Borge

Random Acts of Love: Day 9

This morning, in the living room, there was a rather large white spider crawling across the floor. This sent small girls screaming and climbing onto chairs. My insect checklist kicked in:

* squish it
* trap it
* sic the dog on it
* chase it under the couch or anywhere screaming girls aren't

And then love hit me.

So I scooped him up and gently put him back down outside.

[And then did the heebie jeebie dance for touching a spider.]

Friday, June 25, 2010

Commitment: The Love Project

Random Acts of Love: Day 8


Last year I made the decision, never a borrower nor a lender be. Mostly because no one pays me back. A friend texted, frantic. So frantic, the same text came 4 times in a row. So frantic, it was followed by a phone call before I could answer. She needed a loan for a day. Just a few hours actually, or her bank account was going to be horribly overdrawn. My instinct was to say no. Not again. Not me. But through this journey I am learning, loving creates more love.

So I said yes. ♥

(And today she paid me back as promised)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Someday, after we have mastered the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love. Then, for the second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire."
Teilhard de Chardin

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Random Acts of Love: Day 7

Everyday people log on to their Facebook and do whatever it is that they find most important. Some check messages, some comment friends, some just play the apps. I log on everyday and promote TWLOHA as best I can and reach out to those most important to me. Today I took a chance. I went on Facebook causes and sent thank you notes to people I have never met before to show them appreciation for taking the time to help the movement advance. To let them know that something as simple as looking at a picture posted on the To Write Love On Her Arms Causes page makes a difference in the world. I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

I mean it with love. ♥

Move Community Conference is coming

MOVE Portland*
September 10 - 11, 2010

Crystal Ballroom
1332 W. Burnside Street
Portland, OR

Email for a conference application.
Conference cost is $125.

*UChapters breakout sessions will be available at this conference.

What is MOVE?
Taken from:

MOVE is our way of equipping and educating communities about the topics we focus on at To Write Love on Her Arms: depression and anxiety, addiction, self-injury, suicide, brokenness, hope and community.

MOVE is for people looking for a way to engage others in conversations about these topics we believe matter very much. The conference stems from the idea that uniting our resources helps take people from places of pain to places of hope and healing. MOVE is for students, mentors, parents, friends, pastors and professionals -- for someone new to these topics entirely and someone who has worked in a clinical setting for years.

This two day in-depth, engaging workshop is an effort to begin a conversation about issues often left in the dark. Our aim is to battle stigma and shame with honesty and compassion. In a discussion led by professional counselors, we explore what is behind these struggles, what drives them, what recovery looks like, and how we can make a difference. Each of us has a different story, and this conference is a place where we can learn from licensed professionals and from each other. Our hope is that you leave encouraged, inspired, and informed.

FAQ from:

Q: How old do I have to be?

A: Participants must be 18 or older to attend. People ages 16 or 17 years of age may attend, but must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Q: Why can’t I be younger than 16?

A: Some of the discussions held during MOVE can be somewhat intense, so for the well being of attendees, we have placed an age limit on who can attend. We hope that those eager to attend who are below the age limit would wait until they were old enough and then apply!

Q: Can move come to my area?

A: Thanks for wanting us to come to where you are! For this upcoming year, we have already booked seven events spaced across the United States so everyone would have a chance to attend. However, we are always open to booking more! Please email if you have an interest in bringing MOVE to your area, either as a hosting venue, or for a specific community you are a part of. Our team is also available to come teach on individual topics in a shorter or more specific format as well. Feel free to email for more information on booking speakers.

Q: Is MOVE only for people who deal with depression, addiction, self-injury, etc.?

A: No. MOVE is for anyone. We believe that the reason these topics stay saturated in stigma is because people don’t feel like they are allowed to talk about them where they live. Our dream is to see communities working together to unify resources, support those struggling, and have an understanding of the topics we deal with so the fear of speaking up doesn’t stop us from trying to help in the first place.

Q: If I’ve struggled, or am currently struggling, with one of these topics, is it healthy for me to be attending this conference right now?

A: Great question. We value your struggle and your recovery. Your health is very, very important to us, and it should be your first concern. We ask that you do not attend a conference if you are currently struggling heavily with any subject matter we will be teaching on. We do not want this information to become triggering for you, and be more uncomfortable than helpful. Always email for more advice on this issue.

Q: Who leads these conferences?

A: MOVE conferences are led by Licensed Mental Health Counselors Aaron and Michelle Moore, along with members of the TWLOHA staff, Kaitlyn Suveg, Rich Sullivan and Denny Kolsch. Aaron and Michelle both have Masters of Arts in Counseling degrees, are licensed (LMHC), and run Solace Counseling in downtown Orlando, FL. Kaitlyn, Rich and Denny all have college degrees, along with long-term, hands-on experiences with TWLOHA and community living. We have assembled this team with attendee experience in mind, and we believe that each of the speakers has a wealth of knowledge to share, both on and off the stage.

Q: Will I receive any sort of certification after I attend this conference?

A: You will not be trained “officially” in any sort of crisis intervention. Conference attendees do have the opportunity to learn skills in suicide prevention, but you are not legally receiving any certifications for doing so.
If you are interested in receiving training to become a crisis responder, please visit our IMAlive page for more information.

Q: What’s the difference between MOVE and MOVE?

A: Glad you asked. On our website, you’ll find a tab on the homepage called “MOVE” that links you to the area on our website with programs and opportunities to get more involved. The MOVE on our website implies a place to “get active” and become more involved. The MOVE Community Conferences came from the phrase Love is the Movement. MOVE conferences also imply an active participation, but because our website already had certain names and layouts, we just went with it. Confusing? A little. But, we like the idea of movement.

My Niece Is B-Awesome

Talk About Girl Power

Donate To TWLOHA

I am currently taking donations for To Write Love On Her Arms.
You can help me by making a small contribution.
It would mean the world to me.
You can make your donations through

Donate here

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Random Acts of Love: Day 6

I spend hours in front of the computer trying to raise awareness for TWLOHA. I step away from my computer and out into the world, and I feel lost. I feel alone and disconnected from everyone. I put up post-its in random places to share hope and help all over Oregon, but still... I wonder if anyone is listening. Today my random act of love was for myself. To remind me that there even if only I am listening, I am speaking with purpose.

From now on, every time I go into the world... I go feeling love.

Dedication: The Love Project

“I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”
- Mother Teresa

I am so excited!!!!!

"Your order has been shipped from Zambooie and should arrive within 2 to 9 business days."
Those who live passionately
Teach us how to love
Those who love passionately
Teach us how to live

Monday, June 21, 2010

Random Acts of Love: Day 5

I love my friend Emily and her shop. Today I took her TWLOHA Street Team Fliers and took pictures of her shop for the Street Team Intel List. I’m posting her intel as my first submission because she means so much to me. ♥

Wild Things Shirts

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Random Acts of Love: Day 4

Everyone should remember to tip people in the service industry.
I know it's against the law to deface money...
but waitresses need love too

Random Acts of Love: Day 3

Melissa cooked for us everyday at Iron Horse and all she asked was that her husband get a tattoo. He got his tattoo from Manny.

And to show Melissa our appreciation, I gave her one too.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Random Acts of Love: Day 2

A small girl sat in the dark and the cold, waiting for her grandma to get a tattoo this weekend. When it was her grandma's turn she was told to wait outside our mobile studio while her grandma got the tattoo. I saw the little girl hike up her blanket and hunker down to wait, so I brought her inside to get warm and watch her grandma. She sat as still as she could even though she had the shivers. Her lips were bright red and shiny from being chapped so I gave her an after care A&D packet for her lips.

Chapped lips and chattering teeth, she still smiled [and told me thank you].

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Random Acts of Love: Day 1

Yes, I am a bathroom vandal.
And you are loved.


If I had a penny for every time I thought of your smile,
I would be rich.
And if you smiled a smile for every penny I would get,
You would never frown again.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I Love Tenth Avenue North

This is where the healing begins, oh
This is where the healing starts
When you come to where you're broken within
The light meets the dark
The light meets the dark

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Revolution: The Love Project

Renee Yohe ♥

Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Friday, June 11, 2010

“Promise little and do much”
-Hebrew Proverb

Tank Top Weather!!!!!!

This is what you want...
or at least I do ♥

Got Twitter?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Healing: The Love Project

“Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof.”
-Kahlil Gibran

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


We felt like trying something a little different, but a little obvious. This order will expire in three months and be replaced with a different word.

For this order we want you to show us how you see things. Specifically, how you see the word hope. What comes to mind when you think of that word? What inspires you to have hope? You can capture this in a lot of different ways: a photograph, a drawing, a page in a book, a person, a song, etc.

For Proof: Take a picture of something that captures the spirit of 'hope'. Minimum of ONE (1) image.

I became a part of the To Write Love On Her Arms Street Team to support not just my daughter in her struggle but everyone like her. Before I found TWLOHA, I will admit I had almost lost hope. It had been a blur of hospital stays and treatment centers. We spent months, no, YEARS trying to find her the help she needed. Between running away from us and her problems, and her constant emotional instability; I feared one day she would succeed at ending her life. My daughter was in a downhill spiral and I didn't see any end to her battles with addiction, depression and self mutilation. But since I didn't give up, either did she. March 18th she entered rehab with the desire to safe herself and change her life.

This is my picture capturing the spirit of hope:

Taken June 6th

Rise Up: The Love Project

Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.

-Albert Einstein

Monday, June 7, 2010

You could get me a present...


It's available again at

It"s $22 but it would mean the world to me.

It's written by Renee Yohe.
She is the reason TWLOHA exists.

Pedro the Lion is loud in the speakers, and the city waits just outside our open windows. She sits and sings, legs crossed in the passenger seat, her pretty voice hiding in the volume. Music is a safe place and Pedro is her favorite. It hits me that she won't see this skyline for several weeks, and we will be without her. I lean forward, knowing this will be written, and I ask what she'd say if her story had an audience. She smiles. "Tell them to look up. Tell them to remember the stars."
-excerpt from To Write Love On Her Arms -The Story

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Read, Learn, Grow

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 07:00 PM
A memoir with a message, Donald Miller's Father Fiction (Howard Books) shares the angst of a boy growing up without a father and explains how he found his way.

Donald Miller wrote A Million Miles in a Thousand Years and Blue Like Jazz.
Both books recommended and sold by TWLOHA on their website.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Subway Love

Because he loves me like woah.

Friday, June 4, 2010

I Have Courage

Everybody wants to do something to help, but nobody wants to be first.

- Pearl Bailey